sad – An Insider's View of Life Wed, 09 May 2012 03:31:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 things I learned today Wed, 09 May 2012 03:31:23 +0000
  • Regina’s bare skin is the same color as her fur! It’s a crazy kaleidoscope of mottled grey, black and white. You wouldn’t even realize she’s been shaved unless you were right next to her.
  • Drugged dog whining is more sad and pathetic than normal dog whining. Also, groaning. It’s very sad.
  • I don’t “slowly come to a stop” at stoplights, according to the Porkchop. Apparently I’m a jerk-and-go driver? Driving the two of them home from the vet, both in the far back (sans seatbelt), was a pain in the butt. FOR ME!
  • The Peanut really missed his dog. And eight weeks to a dog AND a baby are an eternity.
  • My mother saved so much more crap from our childhood than I realized. Penmanship exercises (those didn’t take), spelling homework and nine million pictures of Christmas trees are just a few of the items I’ve told her to toss. Because seriously.
  • Maurice Sendak wrote more books than I realized. All interesting, all telling of his own youth. He will be missed.
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    stupid assholes should be flogged and shot Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:15:10 +0000 For about three months I’ve been working on a massive project. We launched about two weeks ago and it was such a relief to have it live and working and lovely. Frankly it’s one of the best projects we’ve ever done.

    About a week ago we were told that the IT department at the company convinced the head of the company that it wasn’t secure enough, and so it was going to come down and he was going to redo my design and work into frankly a bad system. We fought it, as best we could considering I could never get the head boss on the phone. We listed places that use the software, including the highest of government offices.

    But alas, the jackass who cried wolf has somehow won. The company is out thousands of dollars and I’m bereft over the many hours of work lost and my project being tossed in the trash. It represented hours upon hours of work, and although we’ll be paid, that doesn’t make me feel any better. I’m insulted that this asshole would think we would build something that is un-secure. I’m insulted that they won’t let me get on the phone with the head boss and explain how secure it is. I’m annoyed and irritated and saddened that almost 100 hours of my time was completely, utterly wasted.

    The IT guy knew the program we were using from the beginning, but said nothing for months. And I knew he didn’t like us coming in and fixing something that he had made – something that was hideous and broken and unusable – but it never occurred to me that he would have the power to scare his boss into wasting all that time and money.

    Today sucks.

    rip wh Sun, 12 Feb 2012 04:58:06 +0000 When I was a kid, my parents were extremely strict about what we watched (TV, movies) and what we heard (the radio, cassette tapes). As a result, I’m always good for a laugh when people reminisce about so-and-so and I’m left completely in the dark.

    I didn’t get to see The Bodyguard until it came out on TV, and even then, my sister and I had to sneak in a viewing when my parents were working. But ever since, I’ve had a love for Whitney Houston and her voice (also Kevin Costner, hello). As it was the very early days of the Internet, I didn’t know everything about her personal life (as I do now about literally any celebrity. Seriously, if you ever meet me in person, my expanse of knowledge about the lives of celebrities would blow. your. mind.), so it never occurred to me who she was married too or that she did drugs.

    I hope they find out that she died from natural causes – or a freak accident – because it’d be terribly sad to know that the world lost such a great voice because of drugs.

    a sad, sad day in the world of blogging Wed, 18 Jan 2012 02:07:21 +0000 I’ve been reading blogs for almost seven years now. Some come and some go, which seems to be the nature of the beast. It’s hard to keep blogging year after year, especially as your life changes, you add family, kids, etc. New ones come along and they’re interesting and your RSS reader fills up, and suddenly you’re having to categorize them by genre and schedule time to sift through and read. If you miss a day, the output can become overwhelming and then you only focus on your favorites.

    2011 seemed a rough year for bloggers I love, bloggers who are well known and beloved (and hated) by thousands and thousands of people. A divorce. A sale. A stalker. Another divorce. And now a trial separation, which is oddly the worst of the bunch.

    On one hand, it makes no sense that this would affect me as much as it does. I don’t know any of these people in person. We will, I’m sure, never meet. But I know their families, I read about their lives. I share their ups and their downs. I know the names and ages and birth weights and favorite foods of their children. I mourn when they lose family members and rejoice when a new child enters the house. I feel a kinship for them and theirs.

    It’s the price you pay, I think, for reading the thoughts of others. You become invested, so much so that when the family unit separates, it’s as if your family unit has separated.

    And so Heather and Jon, know that we share in your sadness and wish you the very best, together or separate.

    so sad and so cute Tue, 16 Mar 2010 18:48:29 +0000 Don’t watch this unless you are in a location where tearing up wouldn’t be frowned upon—seriously.

    From Neatorama: Shelter dog Edie was schedule to be euthanized. She was fearful, aggressive, and hard to control. Then Bronwyne Mirkovich gave her another chance as he and Eldad Hagar recorded the process on video

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    2009 will not be my year. Sat, 21 Mar 2009 18:26:47 +0000 About a month ago we found out that the best breakfast place in the area had closed and it’s unclear whether they’ll open again. It’s a crazy story: the renter (owner of the breakfast place downstairs) apparently had issues with the landlord (owner of the dinner place upstairs). The renter had been planning to move to a new location down the street, but was having trouble with getting a liquor license and zoning from the town. But then the renter allegedly ran over the landlord’s King Charles Spaniel “accidentally” and didn’t realize she had done that and drove away (the dog died). She claimed she didn’t hear it or feel it (but she was in a Prius… a silent, small car… wouldn’t you think you’d feel it?), I guess that compounded with all sorts of other things, and the next thing you know, their lease wasn’t renewed.

    The week we got back from vacation, we heard another of our favorite spots had closed. It appears now they might be reopening in a few weeks, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed.

    Last night we headed to another fav and yep, closed. They claim they’ll be open in two weeks.

    This morning we drove to get coffee and cars were at a small restaurant that had opened last summer (seasonal, so it’s been closed now for almost 6 months). We stopped to ask when they were opening, and yup, they’re closed permanently. Didn’t make enough money last year, and just can’t take the risk in this economy.

    Oh and did I mention my company (who had told us in December there would be a) no bonuses in 2009 and b) no 401K match, among other things), called everyone into their office (and some of us on the phone) and said that in order for them to survive, everyone was getting a 15% pay cut? Across the board, no fighting it, it starts on Monday.


    sometimes it’s hard to blog Tue, 10 Feb 2009 03:29:49 +0000 Five days ago a very good friend of mine lost her husband. And I’ve been trying to figure out how to blog about it, but it’s been incredibly hard. I adore her—we’ve worked together for three years—and she adored her husband. They never had kids, were together for over 40 years and had the kind of marriage I hope the Chop and I have.

    The funeral was this morning. Taps was played at the grave (he served in the Air Force) and she broke down hard when the Honor Guard handed her the flag. He’d been sick for a while—we exchanged stories of home health care issue (my Nana required that level of care the last few years of her life)—but she thought he had a few more years in him.

    Sometimes it’s hard to blog.

    rip precious Fri, 02 Jan 2009 14:15:51 +0000 Our other childhood cat finally passed away today after a very long battle with failing kidneys. This past Christmas was her 20th one with us, and we’ll miss her very much.
    Precious 1989-2009

    five years Wed, 23 Jul 2008 18:03:03 +0000
    It’s been five years and I still feel like it was yesterday my Nana passed away.

    How time flies.

    We miss you still.

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    83 Fri, 08 Feb 2008 00:20:08 +0000 Today my Nana should’ve turned 83. Instead it’ll be five years this July that she’s been gone.

    I don’t have many photos of her with my grandfather, as he died in 1966, but in the ones I do have, I can tell she adored him.

    So I know that if she’s with him, she’s happy. Even if the rest of us are left without her.
